Thursday 22 January 2009

Analysis - Human Traffic

The opening sequence introduces us to the main characters of the film.
It has each character talking as if addressing the audience explaining whats going on at the moment in time in there life, issues, feelings etc... This helps the viewer to relate to the characters which is an important convention of the film. It shows each character in the situation they are in, for example Jip, the main character, is shown at work complaining about erectile problems which could be interpreted to being linked with stress at work.

It then goes on with the Jip narrating and analyzing the other characters which shows that he is the main character and will continue to narrate throughout the film.

The micro element sound is used in the form of non diogetic music being played in the background of the clips. The opening credits then goes on to show clips of partying and protests against the government and encouraging free spirit.

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